We are starting a new game.
It’s been a long time desire of mine and of my team mates. It’s good to finally have both a team and have them all motivated. It’s going to be a long road, but we are confident and happy with the opportunity.
The first concept of Simoom was created in a gamejam some of us took part in a year or so back. We could not afford the time for the project and it eventually faded to inexistence.
Now, we have both the opportunity and motivation to make of this game something much better than what we have envisioned back then.
The Game
The best one-liner would be: “an arabic roguelike shoot’em up whith an isometric camera named Simoom”.
noun: simoom; plural noun: simooms; noun: simoon; plural noun: simoons
a hot, dry, dust-laden wind blowing in the desert, especially in Arabia.
As of now, there is not much purpose in elaborating anything in detail, there is yet much to be defined, but the basic idea could very well be explored here.
You are something/someone and have to reach somewhere. Your path is obstructed by events in a series of small connected arenas generated as you go. You have to traverse a graph-like map to reach your destiny while you fend for yourself. If you take too long, Simoom will catch you.
We still have to make an actual presentation for the game, so we will let you know when that happens.
As a bonus, one of the concepts we are already working with: